If you are a new client, please fill out the following forms. It's Your Loss


If you are a new client, please fill out the following forms before your first appointment:

Intake Information (one total per client)

Post-Death Activities Information (one for each individual)

- Pet Bequeathal Plan (one for each pet owned, if applicable)

Note that the above are Google forms.  Selecting a link will open a preset form in Google, which you may complete from your PC, phone, iPad or any other device.  Once you complete (Submit) the form, it will automatically be forwarded to It's Your Loss and a copy will be emailed to you from the sender "Google Forms".  If you want/need to make changes to your form, you may access and update it via that email.

If you prefer, you may use the PDF forms below, which can be entered into on your PC and then saved and emailed to [email protected].  These forms will not be enterable on your phone or other portable device.




Contact Us


Please do not submit any Protected Health Information (PHI).

If you need to download a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader, you may do so here: